Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Today I am wanting everything. I want to understand HTML because my post yesterday turned into gobbly-gook when I tried to change something. I want to be able to walk to work without sweating. I want a haircut, but my stylist seems to have disappeared. And I want silly things like a new set of fluffy towels, new jeans and new running shoes.
What's with all the wanting?
I also sort of want to throw out all my house plants and 50% of all my clothes and shoes. I'll regret it later, so I'm not letting myself do. But the plants just clutter up the window ledges and are constantly needing to be watered. Would people think I was crazy if they came over and I didn't have any house plants anymore. Everyone has house plants. No spider plant drooping from the bookcase might make it look like I'm losing it. And, inevitably, it will seem like a judgment on my friends who have far too many houseplants.
It's similar to me not liking dogs. I don't hate dogs, I just think they stink and take a lot of work, and I'm really just too lazy for that. But sometimes when a dog person hears that I don't like dogs, I see them registering the judgment. She doesn't like dogs, so she doesn't like me, or she thinks I shouldn't like dogs either. Really it's just that I know myself enough to know that even if I had a dog that I thought was cute and fun, the mess and poop-picking-up would drive me crazy.
I want a cat.

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